Canadia Bank Cares, Intensifying Commitment to Customers, Community, and ESG

Canadia Bank, a leading and long-established commercial bank in Cambodia, is fully committed to making a positive impact and contributing to the country’s sustainable future through its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Aptly named Canadia Bank Cares, this is part of the Bank’s overall strategy to give back to the community through its four pillars, namely, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), Customers and Community, Financial Literacy and Inclusion, and Culture, Arts, and Sports. 

Several ESG initiatives have been done around sustainable banking and environment-friendly activities. In March 2023, Green Financing Program was launched to provide financing support to businesses in the environmentally-friendly sectors with better terms and conditions. Canadia Bank is also a big supporter of women entrepreneurs. In collaboration with the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC), the Women Entrepreneurs Guarantee Scheme provides financing support and assistance to growing, female-owned businesses, even when lacking collateral.

The ‘Canadia Bank Cares: Good for You and Me’ is a series of ESG-related philanthropic activities to chosen charities. In 2022, 

Canadia Bank’s Chairman, Lok Neak Oknha Dr. Pung Kheav Se, donated US$ 1 million to the Cambodia Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), to help achieve the Government’s goal of a mine-free Cambodia by 2025. Moreover, with support from Canadia Bank’s staff and Canadia Group companies, multiple charities benefited from donations of pre-loved goods, non-perishables, and more, including the Cambodia Cyclo Association in 2024, Branch Center in 2023, and Cambodian Children’s Fund in 2022.

The goal of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion pillar is to help in customer education so they can make conscious financial decisions. The Bank regularly participates in the Financial Literacy campaigns of the Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) to provide customers with an understanding of financial products and their usage, as well as consumer empowerment and protection. In May 2023, Canadia Bank hosted the KH-Reating Chlart Hackathon, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and CamTech University, to foster critical thinking and problem-solving among youth. 

The Customers and the Community pillar aims to make a lasting positive impact in society through various initiatives. To strengthen the fight against COVID-19, a total contribution of US$ 8 million was made to the Royal Government of Cambodia. Canadia Bank’s employees also make regular monthly contributions to the Kantha Bopha Foundation and the Bank to Cambodian Red Cross.

Lastly, the Culture, Arts, and Sports pillar aims to preserve culture, honor the lineage and ancestry of Cambodia, and promote physical activities among youth. The key initiatives include supporting the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts in its efforts towards the return of centuries-old, ancient artefacts from museums abroad.

Mr. Raymond Sia, Canadia Bank’s CEO and Executive Board Director, highlighted that serving the community is part of the Bank’s core values. “Banking is built on the foundation of trust and customer-centricity. For more than 33 years, we have been proudly serving and strengthening our relationship with the community, and we will continue to do so in the decades to come. Canadia Bank cares deeply for our customers and community and is always committed to the economic growth and development of Cambodia.”

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