Canadia Bank Enhances Urban Greenery through Canadia Garden

Canadia Bank, a leading and long-established commercial bank in Cambodia, has been nationally renowned as a cornerstone of banking excellence for 33 years. In addition to its financial achievements, the Bank is also making a conscious effort to be involved in activities supporting the community. Among its initiatives is the creation and maintenance of Canadia Garden, a green space designed for leisure, recreation, and public well-being.

Canadia Garden reflects the Bank’s commitment to its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program called Canadia Bank Cares, which focuses on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), Customers and the Community, Financial Literacy and Inclusion, and Culture, Arts, and Sports. As part of its ESG initiatives, the Bank has collaborated with local associations to carry out various activities that promote environmental preservation, with a particular emphasis on tree planting, a clean and sanitary environment, and sustainable banking.

Completed its construction in 2019, Canadia Garden stands as a symbol of greenery in the heart of Phnom Penh, right next to Canadia Tower. This garden represents a touch of nature amid the concrete jungle, providing a tranquil environment for Canadia Bank employees and the general public to enjoy and offering a respite from the city's fast-paced atmosphere.

Canadia Bank and Canadia Tower regularly provide water, electricity, and other facets of maintenance to ensure that the space stays pristine and adequately maintained, allowing for the greenery to flourish and for the small biodiversity to have a home.

Additionally, Canadia Garden serves as a venue for the Bank's significant celebrations, such as the annual International Women's Day. The garden's serene setting encourages both leisure and recreational activities and fosters the public's physical well-being.

Canadia Bank remains proud of and dedicated to being a stronghold for initiatives that uphold the enhancement of green spaces, natural landscapes, and surroundings, offering benefits for more than just the aesthetics of the business district but also a space for exercise and strengthening the well-being of the community.

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