Canadia Bank Joins OCIC’s “Chroy Changvar, Our Home” Clean-Up Initiative, Reinforcing Commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Goals

Canadia Bank, one of Cambodia’s most established and largest banks, proudly participated in the “Chroy Changvar, Our Home” clean-up initiative, organized by Overseas Cambodia Investment Corporation (OCIC), on Saturday, April 27th, 2024. The initiative focused on maintaining a clean and sanitary environment within the Chroy Changvar area, with enthusiastic participation from our top management and dedicated staff members, who teamed up with the local community to make a tangible difference in preserving our shared spaces.

This initiative is closely aligned with Canadia Bank’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility through our Canadia Bank Care pillar, specifically focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). We believe that proactive efforts toward environmental stewardship are vital in shaping a sustainable future for everyone.

At Canadia Bank, we recognize the value of community engagement and remain dedicated to supporting initiatives that contribute to the well-being of both our environment and society. By participating in activities like the “Chroy Changvar, Our Home” clean-up, we continue to showcase our commitment to creating positive, lasting impacts across Cambodia.

Let’s work together to build a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future!

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